TradeScope Pro
TradeScope Pro
Know the Probability of Success on Every Trade with TradeScope Pro!
Imagine the power of instantly knowing the probability of a stock’s NEXT MOVE and seeing that information right on your charts! That’s the TradeScope advantage.
You’re going to see the exact information you need to help you make profitable trading decisions every time you bring up a chart! TradeScope shows probability of movement based on measuring past occurrences of a given setup. Simply click on any chart and see what TradeScope says about the probability of the trade going up or going down in the coming days!
TradeScope includes two Trading Strategies that are powered by the TradeScope Technology. These strategies continue to perform well even in this challenging market.
In fact, the TradeScope Swing Strategy has been 88% accurate with a profit per trade of 3.48% in the month of December!
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